A garage opener remotes are a valuable garage door component. It allows us to open our garages from the comfort of our vehicles so we don’t have to worry about leaving the car in the middle of a storm or potentially blocking a driveway. It is also a safer alternative to physically opening a garage door. 

Considering the convenience garage door opener remotes offer, it can be a real bummer when they break down. Fortunately, issues that cause breakdowns, such as dead batteries and programming problems, are typically easy to fix. This article will discuss common issues with garage door openers remote controls so you can fix them promptly and ensure the security and functionality of your garage door. 

Common Issues with Garage Door Opener Remotes

Several issues may arise that can interfere with the functioning of your remote transmitter for your garage door. Here are some problems that may occur and their solutions to ensure that you can enjoy optimal remote controlled garage functionality. 

Battery Problems

Checking the battery is the first thing you should do when your garage opener remote is not working. Most batteries will last about two years. If it’s been two years or more since you last changed your battery, there’s a good chance it is dead and requires a replacement. 

One way to check your battery is to try your wall-mounted system. If you can get your garage to open using your wall-mounted system, your remote battery is probably dead. 

Most modern remotes use a lithium-ion battery. However, if you have an older remote, it may require a 12-volt battery. Look in your system to determine which battery you need and purchase a new battery to perform the replacement. 

Signal Interference

To understand signal interference, you must learn a bit about how a garage door remote works. 

Most garage door openers operate at frequencies between 300MHz and 390MHz. If a nearby electronic device is operating at the same frequency, it may interfere with the opener’s operation. If you have multiple remotes and none of them are working, it’s likely due to an interference issue. 

There are several steps you can take to mitigate non-operation due to interference. For example, you may:

  • Remove Your Remote from Your Car’s Visor: If your remote is clipped onto your car’s visor, something in the visor or car roof may be interfering with its operation. Try removing the remote from the visor to see if that solves the problem. 
  • Test Your Devices: Shut down the power in your home. Then plug the power into an external source and try using the remote at various distances to see if it works. If it does, you are likely dealing with an interference issue caused by an appliance in your home. Repower your home and unplug your devices. Plug them in one by one to determine which is causing the interference. 
  • Garage Door Remote Replacement: Testing your devices can be a time-consuming task. You may be better off replacing your remote. 

Programming Errors

Garage door openers may become misprogrammed due to damage. If the opener falls or gets banged around, its programming may get thrown off. 

As a result, your garage door may not close at all. It may also reopen after hitting the ground, or it may not open or close completely. 

Here are the steps you must take to reprogram your garage door opener:

  1. Find the LEARN button and press it until the LED light starts to flash. 
  2. Press the OPEN button on the remote within 30 seconds of hitting the LEARN button. 
  3. Let the remote process for about a minute. Then press the open button again. If the garage door opens, you have successfully reprogrammed your remote. 

Physical Damage

Your garage opener remote may not work because it’s physically damaged. A remote could become damaged if it dropped, got banged around, or became water-damaged. You may see dents on the remote and other signs of damage. 

You may be able to repair a physically damaged remote by reprogramming it. The damage may have also caused a wiring issue which can be professionally repaired. In a worst-case scenario, you may require a garage door remote replacement. 

Troubleshooting Techniques

If you are experiencing trouble with your garage door opener, the first step is to change the battery. If the battery change is unsuccessful, try reprogramming it. You may also try using your opener in different positions to determine if interference is causing the issue. 

If the garage door opener still doesn’t work, consult the manual for troubleshooting guidance. If all else fails, you may need to get a garage opener remote replacement or consult a technician for help. 

Professional Help and Maintenance Tips

Some garage door opener problems are easy fixes, but if you are encountering complex issues, it’s best to consult a professional. An experienced technician will perform complicated repairs. They will also tell you whether you are best off with a repair or replacement. 

Several maintenance tips will minimize break-downs, repairs, and replacements. Here are some that will ensure your remote operates smoothly: 

  • Change your battery every two years
  • Store your remote in a safe place so it won’t get bumped around
  • Ensure your remote is stored in an area with a consistent temperature- extreme heat and cold can cause malfunctions
  • Consider cleaning the interior with an electrical contact cleaner to remove dirt and debris

Front Range Raynor Ensures Your Garage Opener Remote Provides Optimal Functionality

Garage door openers may fail to work due to dead batteries, electrical interference, faulty wiring, programming issues, and physical damage. Address issues promptly to ensure ongoing service and prevent worsening damage. Perform regular maintenance to minimize breakdowns. 

While many issues can be addressed through DIY methods, some will require professional services. Front Range Raynor is here to help. We can repair any component of your garage. We also provide quality garage door opener remotes that withstand the test of time. 

Contact us to ensure your garage door offers optimal functionality and ongoing convenience.